Ball Game.


Oil on Canvas

36 x 36 Inches

© 2013 Wim Heldens

Provenance: Private collection

Love Wim’s masterful sensual use of light and colour.


Twenty years ago, when flying in to Manhattan from Vancouver to be with then lover, Mahattan cabaret singer, Frans Bloem, I would meet Wim.  As all I ever do is sense energy and think of anyone encountered as a Michael Overleaves puzzle – is this a warrior or just a cynic? – I knew without a doubt that he was an old soul.  Like every other old soul encountered whose overleaves I have done, I felt a sense of home, acceptance and harmony for being in his presence.

At the time, Wim was sick in bed with the flu and so I went out shopping and got him some Campbell’s soup – what  do I know about making homemade soup? –  and spent part of an evening hanging with him.  The interlude was truly memorable; it was like being in a dream which, incidentally, is also another hallmark for me of being in the presence of an old soul.

Wim truly is a great human.


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